YouTube 删除已喜欢的视频
删除已喜欢的视频 YouTube
您需要先安装一个用户福利资源脚本管理器扩展,如 Tampermonkey、Greasemonkey 或 Violentmonkey 后才能安装该福利资源脚本。
您需要先安装一个用户福利资源脚本管理器扩展,如 Tampermonkey 或 Violentmonkey 后才能安装该福利资源脚本。
您需要先安装一个用户福利资源脚本管理器扩展,如 Tampermonkey 或 Violentmonkey 后才能安装该福利资源脚本。
您需要先安装一个用户福利资源脚本管理器扩展,如 Tampermonkey 或 Userscripts 后才能安装该福利资源脚本。
您需要先安装一个用户样式管理器扩展,如 Stylus 后才能安装该福利资源脚本。
您需要先安装一个用户样式管理器扩展,如 Stylus 后才能安装该福利资源脚本。
您需要先安装一个用户样式管理器扩展,如 Stylus 后才能安装该福利资源脚本。
确定 提问、发表评价,或者 举报这个福利资源脚本。
- 作者
- toxtodo
- 日安装量
- 3
- 总安装量
- 44
- 评分
- 0 0 0
- 版本
- 1.0
- 创建于
- 2024-07-11
- 更新于
- 2024-07-11
- 许可证
- 适用于
Hey there! If you’re looking to clean up your YouTube “Liked” videos list, we’ve got a handy script for you on Greasy Fork. Here’s how to get started:
1. Get Tampermonkey: First things first, you’ll need the Tampermonkey extension. Head over to the Tampermonkey website and grab it for your browser.
2. Install the Script: Once Tampermonkey is in place, hop on over to our script page on Greasy Fork. There, you’ll see a big “Install this script” button. Go ahead and click it, and Tampermonkey will take care of the rest.
3. Time to Use It: With the script installed, it’s showtime! Head to your YouTube “Liked” videos playlist (you know, the one with the URL ``). You should spot a new button that says “Delete Liked Videos”. Give it a click and watch the magic happen.
4. Sit Back and Relax: The script will work its magic, but it might take a little while if you’ve got a lot of videos. Just sit back and let it do its thing.
Remember, this script is a one-way ticket to deleting your “Liked” videos, so make sure that’s what you want before you hit that button. Enjoy tidying up your YouTube space!
YouTube automatically hides unavailable videos, which means that if you have any unavailable videos in your playlist, you should select the “show unavailable videos” option. The “show unavailable videos” option is usually located in the settings of your playlist or in the playlist management menu.
Here’s how you can typically find this option:
1. Open your YouTube playlist.
2. Look for the playlist settings or management options. This might be a gear icon or three vertical dots next to the playlist name.
3. Navigate through options until you find “show unavailable videos” or a similar option.
By enabling this option, you will be able to see all the unavailable videos in your playlist and decide what to do with them, such as removing them.
福利资源:浏览器扩展-YouTube 删除已喜欢的视频福利资源-福利之家下载地址:福利资源:浏览器扩展-YouTube 删除已喜欢的视频福利资源-福利之家